What is really important to the humans of tomorrow?
We are looking for answers to questions like these at the Foresight Academy. On our platform, companies from twelve different industries join forces to imagine possible future scenarios and gain reliable insights into what humans of tomorrow truly desire. Our roots are European. Our perspective is global. Our research spans four continents.
Business, science and design.
All three play an important part in our process. The businesses bring their key questions to the table and supply industry expertise. Scientific collaborations ensure a solid academic foundation. Design creates tangible results and helps tell stories of the futures we want to build. Our network partners then use the newly gained knowledge in their companies.
Explore desirable futures in this 4 minute video clip. How do you want to live in 10 years?
We are a group of researchers and strategists, forward thinkers and doers, from global brands.
We are united around one collective mission:
To listen to the needs and dreams (and fears) of individuals, to understand the forces shaping them. To learn how they want to live in 10 years.
Because we are curious. And because the future is too complex to understand on one’s own.
We are professionals from different industries and organizations collaborating to craft a shared perspective on the world. We conduct joint research studies on desirable future life worlds. Twice each year we meet in person to discuss the trajectories we see and the implications we can derive.
In our research, we discuss desirable futures with forward-thinking individuals across Europe, Asia, the United States, and Africa.
Our goal is to identify signals of change, to distinguish the meaningful from the noise.
We do not provide a concrete answer to a single question – instead, our method creates a different understanding of the future. We are not primarily interested in finding out what the most likely future is. We develop stories and scenes for a desirable future.
The Foresight Academy methodology is optimal for capturing potentials of the new and building desirable futures.
An important part of our research is interviewing Trend Receivers. Trend Receivers are individuals who – due to their individual biographies and their unique skills – perceive changes and potentials of the new in a specific area in a highly sensitive and differentiated manner. We integrate international perspectives by involving individuals on four continents. In this way we also pick up on weaker signals and discuss new and upcoming aspects and potentials.
We visualize our research outcome and desirable future everyday life in a way that is both concrete and sketch-like. With speculative design we are specific and at the same time leave room for one’s very own interpretation.
The Foresight Academy is a collaborative of major companies from different industries who together explore how customers want to live in ten years and create shared visions of desirable future everyday life. This collaborative was started by Audi / Audi Business Innovation GmbH and it is realized by Foresight Academy GmbH.
Do you have questions about the Foresight Academy?
Please feel free to contact us: contact(at)foresightacademy.com